Monday, August 23, 2010

Juju Turns Two

We had a simple celebration for him here at home. He enjoyed being the center of attention and playing with his family and friends.
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Mama made a homemade chocolate cake with sprinkles. As you can see, it got sampled a little early.
08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 03 08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 08

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His favorite gift was a DVD with Dora the Explorer on it. He LOVES Dora. At night when putting him to sleep, he has a little litany…”Dowa…Map…Boots…Pack-Pack…I Map, I Map, I Map, I Map, I MAP!…”
08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 04 08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 21
He got a trike from Mama and Daddy. Now when we take all the big kids to ride their bikes, he’ll have something to ride as well! As soon as his legs get a little longer, that is; they don't quite reach the pedals yet. I’m sure that will happen in the blink of an eye.

Of course, the best part of birthday celebrations is getting to visit with our family and friends. Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle John and Aunt Catie, our homeschool friends, and NaDean (one of the midwives who was at his delivery) came to celebrate with us.

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08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 06 08-20-10 Juju 2nd bday 19

A huge thanks to my friend, Catherine, for taking all these beautiful pictures!


  1. Awesome Day!!

    Blessed~ By the best!!

    Live life to the fullest bc God is good.

  2. I love the last photo, that cutie partied hard!!

