Saturday, June 12, 2010

What We Love About Summer…

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Grilling…splashing in the pool…watermelon…fireflies…longer days…time slowing down just a little.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun With Henna

These pictures were taken the evening of our zoo trip, when the girls and I decided to put henna on our hair.

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They used red; I used black. Mine was very subtle, but the girls’ turned out lovely…

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I don’t mind my kids playing and experimenting with different hair colors. It washes out eventually, ya know? My main concern with hair coloring is the chemicals that dyes contain, but henna powder is all natural.
And they really do look cute as redheads.

Juju’s First Zoo Trip

We didn’t let the heat scare us away. Armed with sunscreen, plenty of bottled water, and making good use of the water sprinklers at various spots around the zoo, we wound up having a grand ol’ time.
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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pookie Mama Turns 37

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Spent the weekend grilling, visiting with friends and family, had cheesecake and margaritas, and ended with Beatles Trivia. What more could a gal ask for?